Renowned musician Dr. Patrick Kreeger, Fifth Avenue’s associate organist, leads this special demonstration of our Sanctuary organ, affectionately known as the “Mighty Austin.” Built in 1961 by the Austin Organ Company of Hartford, Connecticut, the organ has four keyboards, a pedalboard, and 119 ranks. Patrick begins with a history of the organ, which contains parts dating back to 1855. His demonstration highlights the many colors and sounds that are found within the chambers of this 7,500-pipe instrument.
Renowned musician Dr. Patrick Kreeger, Fifth Avenue’s associate organist, leads this special demonstration of our Sanctuary organ, affectionately known as the “Mighty Austin.” Built in 1961 by the Austin Organ Company of Hartford, Connecticut, the organ has four keyboards, a pedalboard, and 119 ranks. The tour begins with a history of the organ, which contains parts dating back to 1855. A demonstration highlights the many colors and sounds that are found within the chambers of this 7,500-pipe instrument.
Access to the organ loft is by stairs only.
1961; Austin Organ Company
7 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019