Manhattan Borough President’s Office Map Display

City Hall, Manhattan

Credit: Kathryn Yu

New York City Borough Presidents are responsible for maintaining the official maps of their boroughs. During OHNY Weekend, the Manhattan Borough President’s Topographical Bureau will display a historically-essential map in the development of Manhattan executed by John Randel in 1820. This map is the first that plotted the 1811 “Commissioner’s Plan” which established the Manhattan street grid from Houston Street to 155th Street.

New York City Borough Presidents are responsible for maintaining the official maps of their boroughs. During OHNY Weekend, the Manhattan Borough President’s Topographical Bureau will display a historically-essential map in the development of Manhattan executed by John Randel in 1820. This map is the first that plotted the 1811 “Commissioner’s Plan” which established the Manhattan street grid from Houston Street to 155th Street.

Guests will need to go through a metal detector for access to the space.

1 Centre Street Mezzanine (North Entrance)
New York, NY 10007