2022 Weekend Volunteer Recognition Ceremony

Volunteers make OHNY Weekend (as well as our year-round programming) possible, and we are honored that so many of our volunteers return year after year to greet and guide thousands of New Yorkers at Weekend locations all over the city. To recognize our dedicated repeat volunteers, OHNY hosts a celebration each year for the people who completed their 5th, 10th, 15th, and (as of 2022) 20th year of volunteering during the previous Weekend. The honored volunteers receive a limited-edition pin and certificate recognizing their achievement.

The ceremony recognizing those volunteers who reached a milestone year in 2022 was held on January 18, 2023 at the General Society for Mechanics and Tradesmen. We are grateful to the General Society, a longtime Weekend Partner,  for the use of their unique and historic library space.

Congratulations and our sincerest gratitude to our volunteers!

5-Year Honorees

Deborah Abel
Gerard Aguis
Efrain Alvarado
Edward Atkin
Frank Banholzer
John Betters
Susan Birnbaum
Brandon Blaesser
Teresa Caliari
Maisa Chiang
Jeremy Colangelo
Astrid Cook
Santanna Cowan
Sheree Crespo
Jack Darcey
Ashley Davis
Joann Doria
Victoria Dyadyukh
Susan Goldman
Marianne Hart
Daniel Hui
Gregory Hunt
Patrick Kellogg
Andrew Kile
Steven Kirkpatrick
Haeran Ku
Nicole Lau
Judy Mann
Mary Matuszak
Jessy Miyasato
Tom Morris
Vernon Moy
Matt Obeid
Josef Pinlac
Robert Posch
Andy Poulos
Jesse Pringle
Trish Proto
Wendy Reilly
Rob Rinderman
Judith Rubenstein
Christina Rubin
Nandan Sawant
Carol Shapiro
Linda Visser
Emily Zulz

10-Year Honorees

Eugenia Chaplin
Patricia Girardi
Virginia Liebowitz
Ben Meyer
Gloria Neimark
Pilar Ramirez
Ann Reilly
Gilbert Rodriguez
Marta Schlitzer

15-Year Honoree

Michael Roque

20-Year Honoree

Mary Farrell


By invitation only.

If you have volunteered during OHNY Weekend and have questions about your years of service, please email [email protected].